11 to 18 Years
18 to 30 Years
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Welcome to Sandringham Scout Group

7 to 11 Years

5 to 7 Years
Sandhurst was formed in 2008 by the amalgamation of two Northern District groups; Syd-Sand, formed in 1938 and Glenhurst, formed in 1971. Sandhurst was renamed to Sandringham in 2013 due to geographical reasons.
Glenhurst History
Glenhurst was established in 1970. At first they did not have a Hall; the Scout meetings were held in the veld at the corner of 2nd Ave and 1st Rd Kew.In 1971, Lyndhurst Primary School allowed us to work out of a classroom.The first priority for the committee was to raise money to build the Hall, it was built in about 1977.There have been many Springbok Scouts that have passed through Glenhurst. The honours board, at the front of the hall, has the names of the people that have volunteered their time and effort to keep Glenhurst moving forward.Glenhurst & Syd-Sand merged in October 2008 to form Sandhurst.
Scouting is for both boys and girls from the age of 11 years to 18 years old. Cubbing is from the age of 7 years to 11 years old. Activities the Scouts take part in range from hiking, camping, decoding messages, climbing ropes, building pioneering structures and many more activities designed to challenge the Scouts mentally and physically.
The Scouts will have the opportunity to learn and put into practice skills in management, organisation and leadership. The aim of the Scout movement is to encourage the spiritual, mental, social and physical development of boys and girls, young men and woman by developing their character, training them in citizenship, developing their personal fitness by promoting their spiritual, mental and physical qualities, so that they may take a constructive part in the community.
Scouting is based around the Patrol system which consists of a small group of 4 to 8 Scouts. The patrol is lead by the patrol leader (PL) and the assistant patrol leader (APL). The patrol members work as a team to complete a series of tasks, through FUN activities during Saturday afternoon programs and weekend activities.
The Scout Group and the Hall are managed by the Parents of the Scouts and Cubs in the form of a committee. The Scout Troop and the Cub Pack is run by VOLUNTEER adult members of the Scout movement who have undergone training to provide the Scouts with FUN and challenging programs.
The Scout Promise and Law forms the foundation of Scouting and can be found on the Cub and Scout tabs respectively.