New Scarf Launch

Saturday, 06 April 2024 16:30

Our New Scarf was launched this past weekend. While it’s a “new” scarf, the history behind the scarf remains intact, but with a slight change.

The original Sandhurst scarf was an amalgamation of the Blue/Light Blue scarf of Syd-Sand, and the Grey/Red of Glenhurst. In 2008 when the groups merged, the scarf took the blue from Syd-Sand and the red from Glenhurst and formed a Blue scarf with a red border.

In 2016, the scarf changed to a plain blue scarf with the warthog group logo on the nape of the scarf.

The say change is good, and the new scarf is most definately a change for the better; bringing for the history, but with a dynamic look

Our new group scarf retains the blue from the original scarf, the red border is back, and is now accompanied by a white stripe. The white stripe represents Honour and Loyalty.

The new scarf was well recived with smiles all around, and becuase we have three units, scarves were made in three different soizes to accomodate all.